miércoles, 25 de octubre de 2017

Forum 2 Guía 23

Survey of performance as company Tus Delipostres.

The company Tus delipostres wants to improve to give you a better product and more personalized service, to achieve this we ask you the favor of answering the following questions in an objective way according to the following qualifiers:

1 Terrible.
2 Bad.
3 Regular.
4 Good.
5 Excellent.

Groups of ten people were surveyed and on average these were the results:

jueves, 2 de marzo de 2017

Our Product

A Company Product “Tus Delipostres”

1. Name of the product.
Company Tus Delipostres.
Product Features:
• Product class:
Among the products to be marketed we have:
Fruit based desserts
Flan of different flavors
Assorted Flavors Ice Cream
• Parts of the product:
The products are totally suitable for the consumption of the people and count on a great variety of flavors.
• Product Features:
Tus Delipostres is a company that produces and distributes food products (desserts) with great variety of shapes, colors and delicious flavors, we handle three types of portions, small, medium and large.
• Product functions:
That people when they buy our products have the security that they are consuming the best flavors.
• Prices
The prices of marketed products range from $ 3000 to $ 20,000
2. Market competition
The products to be investigated in the competition are:
Flan and ice cream: competition handles this product in a single presentation, its prices are high because it has high demand and few places that offer them under the same quality standards.
Product Features:
• High quality standards
• Standard portions
• Variety of products
• Brand positioning
• Reliability
• Prices not very affordable for the entire public
• Compare the products through a Product Report
Product of Tus delipostres
Product of the competition
180 gr
180 gr
Various presentations
Standard presentation
$ 3.000
Different shapes
Standard shapes

Establish the advantages and disadvantages of your product in relation to the competition.
• Advantage:
Lower prices
Great market study
Lots of demand for the products on offer
Innovative products
• Disadvantages:
We are new company
The competition has great attraction for the position in the market
The competition handles large volume in dairy products
Determine the excellence of your product.
The company Tus Delipostres is in the challenge of proposing in the market innovative desserts that people recognize for their flavors and shapes since we have very good quality, well defined flavors and presentations for all tastes
3. Selection of suppliers
Investigate at least two suppliers to supply and distribute raw materials or services to your companies.
Potential suppliers that could supply raw materials for the production of products would be:
1. Supermarket "Selecto"
2. Supermarket "Fruandes"
Establish ten characteristics to evaluate suppliers 
• Comply with stipulated delivery times
• Offer a favorable price
• Have good quality in the products offered
• Have personnel trained in the transportation of products
• Provide good service
• Have a good reputation
• Have a prompt response to needs
• Have experience
• Provide good service
• Good location
Compare the suppliers of your product.
Positive aspects of the supermarket "Selecto":
• Complies with stipulated delivery times
• Offers a favorable price front in raw materials
• Has good quality in the products it offers
• Has personnel trained in the transportation of products
• Offers a good service
• Has a good reputation in the market
Negative aspects of the supermarket "Selecto":
• The location of the supermarket is a little farther than expected
• Does not have a long history or experience
• Does not offer a very friendly response to a suggestion or complaint
Positive aspects of the supermarket "Fruandes":
• Provide quick responses to suggestions or complaints
• Has accredited experience
• Offers a good service
• The location of the supermarket is favorable to us
• Has good quality in the products it offers

Negative aspects of the supermarket "Fruandes":
• Somewhat high prices on products
• Does not have personnel who adequately transport products
• It takes a while to deliver the requested products
Select the best supplier for your product.
For the company Tus Delipostres the best supplier of raw materials is the supermarket "Selecto" since it has very good references compared to the established to evaluate according to the previous, however the supermarket "Fruandes" is like a second option since it is a good plan Manage business relationships for eventual cases that may arise.
Diagram of the flow of information to be established is as follows:
• Internal communication of the company with regard to information that is unique and exclusive with regard to the management of personnel, purchases, sales and of course the manufacture of products.
• External communication of the company with partners and customers, suppliers and vendors, where the deal is cordial and is handled somewhat more open

jueves, 27 de octubre de 2016


1. Determine el tipo de inventario a implementar en su proyecto de formación.

The types of inventories to manage the company desserts are:
  • Raw materials inventory
  • Inventory packaging materials
  • Finished goods inventory

2. Establezca las políticas de inventario(s) para ordenar, organizar, programar y transportar según su proyecto de formación.

Supply policies
  • The company is in the right to choose their inputs with different certified suppliers to ensure the smooth development and the quality of the finished product.
  • Orders inputs will be made on the first day of the week, announcing its suppliers to amounts and references are required for the process of the week.
  • Payment to suppliers will be the first three days of each month with invoices approved by the department costs.
  • The costs of inputs and / or raw materials that go defective or did not get to meet quality standards, will be borne by the supplier.
  • Inputs and raw materials must be stored in different locations indicated by the company in a full order and with proper cleaning.

Production policies
  • All personnel working within the company must have the current course food handling, waste management training (by the company) and management and knowledge of BPM`s (by the company).
  • All personnel working within the company must carry the full complement according to allocated to each work area.
  • It is forbidden to eat, smoke, drink within the production facilities of the company.
  • All the finished product is made must be stored in places designed for them and should immediately enter the inventory.
  • All sales made must be in cash.
  • It should be appropriate segregation of waste according to their final destination, to contribute to the environment of our planet.

Distribution policies.
  • Delivery orders only be held in the company car and directly to the customer.
  • The product delivery schedules will be made only on the day.
  • It is prohibited delivery of products not authorized by the personnel office sites.
  • The staff delivering customer product must receive the signed record, with date and time to customer satisfaction and a maximum is set to make claims for the product with a maximum of 24 hours once signed constancy received.
  • It is prohibited the transfer of different products that the company produces vehicles offices.
  • The person transporting the products of the company should be liable for loss or damage monetarily product, if it is found that it is your responsibility.


Types of desserts
Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
Week 5
Week 6
Strawberries and cream


Flan blackberry


This is the short-term projection is forecasted increase of 15 to 25 percent from week 1.

In the medium term I would think that sales will increase by 50 percent (two years) and have to invest in plant and machinery to support my production and can remain growing at a long-term (five years), with the rate projection It would be in the short and medium term.