jueves, 27 de octubre de 2016


1. Determine el tipo de inventario a implementar en su proyecto de formación.

The types of inventories to manage the company desserts are:
  • Raw materials inventory
  • Inventory packaging materials
  • Finished goods inventory

2. Establezca las políticas de inventario(s) para ordenar, organizar, programar y transportar según su proyecto de formación.

Supply policies
  • The company is in the right to choose their inputs with different certified suppliers to ensure the smooth development and the quality of the finished product.
  • Orders inputs will be made on the first day of the week, announcing its suppliers to amounts and references are required for the process of the week.
  • Payment to suppliers will be the first three days of each month with invoices approved by the department costs.
  • The costs of inputs and / or raw materials that go defective or did not get to meet quality standards, will be borne by the supplier.
  • Inputs and raw materials must be stored in different locations indicated by the company in a full order and with proper cleaning.

Production policies
  • All personnel working within the company must have the current course food handling, waste management training (by the company) and management and knowledge of BPM`s (by the company).
  • All personnel working within the company must carry the full complement according to allocated to each work area.
  • It is forbidden to eat, smoke, drink within the production facilities of the company.
  • All the finished product is made must be stored in places designed for them and should immediately enter the inventory.
  • All sales made must be in cash.
  • It should be appropriate segregation of waste according to their final destination, to contribute to the environment of our planet.

Distribution policies.
  • Delivery orders only be held in the company car and directly to the customer.
  • The product delivery schedules will be made only on the day.
  • It is prohibited delivery of products not authorized by the personnel office sites.
  • The staff delivering customer product must receive the signed record, with date and time to customer satisfaction and a maximum is set to make claims for the product with a maximum of 24 hours once signed constancy received.
  • It is prohibited the transfer of different products that the company produces vehicles offices.
  • The person transporting the products of the company should be liable for loss or damage monetarily product, if it is found that it is your responsibility.

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